Gathering Words:

We, who have gathered here, are now privileged to witness and to participate in a ceremony celebrating, the public acknowledgment of a love which Bride and Groom have for each other, knowing that by our presence here with them, we are saying that they, together, are loved by many others. We have come to surround them as they stand before us in this center, where now Bride and Groom in essence say, "Welcome to our marriage! Welcome to the Celebration!"

Declaration of Intent:

Bride/Groom, will you have Bride/Groom to be your wedded (wife/husband), to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love, honor, comfort, and keep (her/him) in sickness and in health, in prosperity and adversity, forsaking all others, keeping yourself only for (her/him) as long as you both shall live?

Ring Exchange:

Bride and Groom have chosen rings to represent their eternal love. Who has these rings?

Bride/Groom, repeat after me

I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness. As I place it on your finger, I commit my heart and soul to you. I ask you to wear this ring as a reminder of the vows we have spoken today, our wedding day. May this ring forever be to you the symbol of my growing love.


May these two find happiness in their union. May they live faithfully together, executing the vows they have made between them; and may they ever remain compassionate and encouraging, that their years may be rich with the joys of life, and their days be long upon the Earth. I now pronounce you husband and wife.

The Introduction


It is my pleasure to introduce to you as husband and wife, Mr. and Mrs. __________