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Religious Closing # 1


May the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob be with you, and my he fulfill in you his blessing. May you see your children's children to the third and fourth generation. Through the help of our God Jesus Christ. Who, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns, God forever and ever.


Religious Closing # 2


May the love of God be above you to over-shadow you Beneath you to uphold you Before you to guide you Behind you to protect you Close beside you and within you to make you able for all things: And to reward your faithfulness with the joy and peace which the world cannot give--neither can it take away. Through Jesus Christ our Lord to whom be glory now and evermore. Amen.


Religious Closing # 3


May Almighty God bless you by the Word of his mouth, and unite your hearts in the enduring bond of pure love. May you be blessed in your children, and may the love that you lavish on them be returned a hundredfold. May the peace of Christ dwell always in your hearts and in your home: may you have true friends to stand by you, both in joy and in sorrow. May you be ready with help and consolation for all those who come to you in need; and may the blessings promised to the compassionate descend in abundance on your house. May you be blessed in your work and enjoy its fruits. May cares never cause you distress, nor the desire for earthly possessions lead you astray; but may your heart's concern be always for the treasures laid up for you in the life of heaven. May the Lord grant you fullness of years, so that you may reap the harvest of a good life, and, after you have served him with loyalty in his kingdom on earth may he take you up into his eternal dominions in heaven. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, his Son, who lives and reigns with him in the unity of the Holy spirit, God, forever and ever. Amen


Religious Closing # 4


And now, go out into the world in peace, be of good courage, hold fast to that which is good; render to no man evil for evil; support the weak, help the afflicted, love and serve the Lord, rejoicing in his presence as he goes with you always. Amen.


Religious Closing # 5


And, now may the courage of the early morning's dawning, The strength of eternal hills and wife open fields, The joy of silent streams and of the gentle wind, The beauty of flowered gardens and the song of birds, And the faith of youth be in your hearts: And the love of God, that alone can build happiness That makes family love flourish with the radiance of great joy, Be with you always: And the peace of a quiet evening's ending And of the midnight, Be yours now and forever. Amen.


Religious Closing # 6


May the courage of the early morning's dawning, the strength of the eternal hills, the peace of the evening's ending, and the love of God be in your hearts now and forevermore. Amen.


Religious Closing # 7


Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others......; they too have their story. Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass....nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe....the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God....in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace with your soul. Go in peace.


Religious Closing # 8


May Almighty God, who at the beginning did create our first parents, Adam and Eve, and did sanctify and join them together in marriage, pour upon you the riches of his grace, sanctify and bless you, that you may please him both in body and soul: and live together in holy love unto your lives' end. Amen


Religious Closing # 9


Nourished by understanding Warmed by friends Fed by loved ones Matured by wisdom Tempered by tears Made holy by caring and sharing Blessed by God Go forth in peace!


Religious Closing # 10


May the Lord fill you with all spiritual benediction and grace that you May live together in the fullness of life. May you have peace - - Not of the stagnant pool, but of deep water, flowing. May you have poise - - Not of the sheltered trees, but of the oak, deep rooted, storm strengthened, and free. May you have power - - Not of fisted might, but of the quickened seed stretching toward infinite light. Amen


Religious Closing # 11


God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, bless, preserve, and keep you; May the Lord look with favor upon you, and fill you with all spiritual benediction and grace; that you may so live together in this life, that in the world to come you may have life everlasting.


Religious Closing # 12


May God be always close to you and keep you. May you walk the paths of peace, today and always. May you always stay in love with each other. Let all you do be done in love. Go in His peace. Amen.


Religious Closing # 13


May the joy and peace which only God can give, and which cannot be taken away by anything in this world, be yours today and in all life's tomorrows. Go in His peace. Amen.

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